Copying others in foreclosureville

Many of those she knows who currently fighting foreclosure are on pensions, and planning to go bankrupt after their casesis resolves. Is this an acceptable solution for you? If you are still working and supporting a family , you may not be able to ‘keep the fight’ and still feed your family. Consider this.alsp consider whether or not you can keep working and still keep the fight. Weigh which is most important to you.

It’s difficult to imagine leaving one’s home, more difficult still once you’ve seen the corruption and lies involved in the foreclosure process.

Make a careful analysis of your own situation and choose the path that is right for you and your situation, make your own plan or you could be part of someone else’s

Bankruptcy may be a temporary solution but can you live with the consequences? What are the consequences? Are they worse than what you’re already facing or might it make things better for you and your family?

Would you be hurting yourself by continuing to fight / would you be able to live with yourself if you do? Would you be able to live with yourself if you don’t?


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