it rained last night and everything is fresh and clean , the air is easy to breathe I love my back garden at this time, the roses have bloomed, the river is flowing the birds are singing, crickets too My dog loves this peaceful morning meditation also The cat too We all love this peace, sanctuary, refuge that is our place , our home - This evening my daughter returns from holiday Tomorrow i return to work and I have big choices to make, I experienced panic attacks and pain - considering last week a future of only living in my house, paying exorbitant interest to banks, with all the maintenance and responsibility on me. I have bigger more enjoyable dreams for my life. I’ve got this one and I want to make the most of it. I e got one child and I want to enjoy this time Feels much more peaceful to let go, and yet it also doesn’t make sense when considered from a point of view of investment opportunity- rents in this city can be astronomically high and I have a family to support...
social media can be a weird place. lady gag referred to it as the 'toilet of the internet' . we can curate the vibration of our social media feeds. mel robbins promotes the idea of an 'unfollow friday'. .. i scared myself off social media for a while.