Monday was my last day at that job

the man who was training me ‘didn’t like me’ he said so more than once. He sent me home early on Friday because he ‘didn’t have the patience to explain’ the answer to a question I had asked.
He poked me, he shouted and swore...
before that, he touched me. A lot. I told him I didn’t like it and I needed him to back off.
He kept touching me and apologized saying he was trying to stop. After that was when he started sending me home.

When we went on a site visit together, in his car, to check—measure church, I was afraid. He put on the radio very loud. I asked him to turn it down, this made him angry but he did just a very little. I asked him again and finally reached over to turn it down because I couldn’t hear myself think and we needed to find the address. He kept lecturing me about how I needed to ‘assume a posture of humility’.. later on, and said ‘I don’t like you’.
Later on he went off about ‘you never touch a mans radio’

‘Assume a more humble posture, a posture of humility’ was a recurring theme. As was swearing and insults.
He told me ‘I’m a cunt’ As if he’s proud of that fact.
He spat (maybe accidentally) on my left arm

He invaded my personal space and poked me with his finger kept touching me after I told him not to.

I kept going back because I needed that job and because everyone else there seemed fine. The bank has accepted my offer to pay based on my salary there ( which worries me when he sent me home early because he ‘did t have the patience to Explain’

He shouted at me ‘this is not your office’


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