I’m so tired

Of fighting what seems quite obviously a losing battle
There are other, much more worthy enjoyable endeavors. I choose life!

Who knows how much first chakra damage my precious daughter and I have sustained over the past however long it’s been?
With me in panic attacks that have lasted for days, living in fight flight freeze - limbic  hijack, trusting nobody is no way to live, human beings are designed to work together, we’re social creatures and need each other.!
Short tempered and way to short for comfort on resources
Under surveillance, hacked I know not by whom
SWAT team knocking at 4am scaring both of us silly ( was nothing to do with us)
Food pantries
Physical pain
I actually cracked a tooth from the pressure on her birthday a few years back , it was an expensive repair not covered by insurance
She lost weight (she’s fine now)
I couldn’t sleep, woke up in full panic mode every day for who knows how long.

That doesn’t happen anymore, thankfully!

I’m able to work again, finally!

As an empath, I really do care what other people feel about me, that’s a fact I mustn’t deny. Also I must use discernment in curating my vibration because not everyone is on the same path.
People can say and do all kinds of weird things when they’re scared.
Frightened people are easy to control.
This is one reason We’ve never had a television
I stopped reading or listening to the news if I can help it, as a matter of mental hygiene.


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