Dear sirs (draft)

this is a written statement regarding some of the circumstances that led to my hardship :

I am the sole parent of my 10 year old daughter, who requires extraordinary care.  her biological father has not paid child support in many years, despite my repeated requests from the child support enforcement division to enforce the courts order. Although I am legally married, I have not seen my legal spouse in many years. We live, along with our dog and cat in our family home of 9 years. When I bought this house, for myself and my nursing baby daughter, I felt so proud. Shortly thereafter, the business I was working for closed and i was laid off at Christmas of the same year.

I suffer from PTSD, panic disorder and major depression,  which are steadily improving. In addition, I sustained a concussion here On my property 2 years ago. I am receiving continued care including physical therapy for post- concussion syndrome. These have all improved steadily in recent years, and I find myself happily back in work  in my former career as a designer at $23 per hour in a full time permanent position with promises of advancement.

I am also currently interviewing tenants to rent a room in my house to supplement our income, which is already higher than when I originally qualified. The harm that foreclosure could do to my family is potentially irreparable. May we discuss terms, please?

I would like confirmation that you’ve received this application for assistance as soon as possible, please.

Thank you for your consideration.


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