Captains log

Difficult day

New job is getting better, week 6 nearly done and holiday tomorrow 
So many thoughts racing all day, 
DBT afterwards felt better, enjoying - breathe- mindfulness practice more - breathe- maybe writing a blog post right now when my daughter wants to be with me isn’t the most practical or easiest idea

My life has changed so much in ways recently
I’m so scared I feel like a little child tasked with sorting out a very adult mess - how best to move through the foreclosure process? Or how best to sell the house to avoid foreclosure? Or rent the studio and apply for a mortgage modification in one of the most expensive towns to live in which also happens to be my hometown where I have family that helps a very great deal with raising my daughter who is the light of my life and a very amazing young being. I couldn’t wait to get to her today and pick her up and hug her and ground at home and all I want to do in this moment is curl up in a ball and cry and soothe myself however I can


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