And you want to shout scream and rage

this is my home!!!!!
This is my family’s home!! Our shelter, our place, our place if belonging in the world, our refuge and sanctuary and everybody needs that!!!
We are the living beings who have made this place ours
We’ve marked our growings on the wall of the hallway, we’ve skateboarded  across the floors, we’ve bicycled in the driveway and sold lemonade from the front garden and dreamed of raising chickens and fish and greenhouses and treehouses
 We’ve howled at the moon with the dog.
And snuggled the kitty

Babies nursed and sung to,
Bicycles ridden in the driveway and to the park
Kite flying and birthday parties
And all the tending, folding, washing and tucking
Birdsong and bedtime stories
Joyful laughter as we jumped o the trampoline
Forts and bridges built
Roses bloomed

And all the many sleepless nights poring over papers that seem very oddly written
The more you see of the injustice the more it spurs you on as if you are a holy warrior, a freedom fighter - because of course you are.


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