How to survive foreclosure ( no I’m not ok)

Learn to recognize
- panic attacks, freezing, tremors, cold seat pacing
- limbic hijack
- remember to breathe
- the rawness, sheer terror and facing into the cold abyss, try not to do that. Find a lily pad within yourself to rest on
- remember to eat, this can be challenging
- shecwho fights and runs away loves to fight another day
- if you feel suicidal, remember what Bateman said ‘it’s only bricks and mortar,
- feel grateful for what really matters, cultivate loving peaceful relationships and community which support you - this is pretty much impossible when I’m the midst of writing up papers and ceitking to call out all the malfeasance you are experiencing
- This is a traumatic experience
- grab the lifelines

On aon A snowy no-school morning,with my daughter  cozy by the fire, soup simmering on the stove and peaceful happy at home vibes. The cat comes to drink at the water dish she shares with the dog and swishes her tail. This this this is my love love love
This is my happy place

Here and now is what feels so good

And when you feel fear or panic at the thought of leaving here, and fear you just can’t bear it, the pain of losing your home
The rage at the injustice of the situation
Anger at those around you who don’t innerstand what is happening
Terror of the unknown
Where will we go? How will we get by? How can I support my family financially after getting fired yet again?

Panic will not serve you
Fear is the mind killer


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