
Showing posts from June, 2019

Suicidal fantasies

Don’t indulge It will get better. Somehow, some way I have to believe wellbe ok

On a day when it all feels hopeless

Remember that it’s your daughter who’s important, your dog and kitty too. Your loved ones.

On the day the realtor came

i had a massive panic attack, Kind of an all day build up and then overflow. Thankfully a supportive and compassionate gave me an ice pack tp hold and walked with me for a while. Once I got to a place of safety I felt better.

Focus on your family, on the relationships that support you

as these are what will carry you through your grief Someone who knows said to me today, to remember that 

Panic attacks

fear feels cold Try to breathe Breathe deeply Remember lovingkindness practice ‘May I be filled with loving kindness May I be free or safe from all forms of inner or outer danger or harm May I have ease of wellbeing

Midsummers eve

It all got better the very next day.

Loving kindness meditation

feels wonderful Give loving kindness to yourself. I did this yesterday and felt so much better, calmer, less reactive. May I be filled with loving kindness May I have ease of well being

Solutions will reveal themselves

Keep hopeful, stay positive

Quality of life is so important

Feeling good is key Stability for family, for self Providing Feeling grateful for the blessings of food, clothing and shelter, Feeling connected yes with love, joy

Do what ever you can to stay calm

It’s impor to be on my body, so that I have access to my intuition. Sometimes, our system can feel hijacked by fear, move through this step by step, we must continue to live and to live peacefully with kindness and respect for all living beings, especially ourselves. This can feel challenging, breathe deeply. Guided meditations cN be very helpful to get back into the rhythm of the breath. Reach out to your trusted community, in whatever small ways you can. Connection is vital. The fear of foreclosure can be very isolating, work to make sure you have a supportive community t

Day by day, moment to moment you will feel better

Helpful options begin to open up Meditation, mindfulness helps soothe the fearful thoughts Medication can help too You will begin to feel peace, moment by moment, day by day 

What would someone who loved themselves do?

Find and live answers to this question

Count your blessings

gratitude feels good. It’s amazing what a profound positive shift gratitude can produce There is love There is hope There is peace