
Showing posts from March, 2019

And how will you know what to do next!

When faced with options - if selling and moving on - how will you know what the right thing to do is, knowing You could keep fighting? How will you choose? And how will you make a loving and support your family without your house? And how much can you sell it for and how difficult is this process and you need an expert And you need a lawyer- legal shield at least can do real estate questions I do believe! And they’ll be able to answer a lot of my questions

Get you priorities straight

family first Allow the children to be children

You are not alone

Remember that many people are experiencing similar challenges, we are experiencing  big shifts in energy, planetary transits etc

Paranoia and surveillance

According to foreclosure attorney andreotti and others, yes the plaintiff / bank is monitoring your social media so take steps such as encryption and vpn to protect yourself. The browser DuckDuckGo doesn’t track you, ( and epic has a built in vpn that doesn’t always work. Remember you’re not doing anything wrong. You’re not doing anything wrong!

Pick a path and stick with it as much as possible

There’s a lot of information out there, and it can be easy to become overwhelmed . I found it difficult to handle the pace and volume of information while staying sane and steady for my family. Do what works for you. Find that, and do it. Yoda ‘do, or do not. There is no try’ Remain as agile as possible, and strengthen your community with in-person (in possible) real community that will help sustain you regardless of the outcome of your case. Last minute changes of direction? Dunno if that’s the best call I have to remember that I did my very best with the resources aavailsble to me

I am making the best decisions I can with the resources available to me in this moment

Am I doing the right thing?

I don’t know I’m doing what I can with what I have I have a family to support and no job at the moment Could I do better? Maybe Could I go back in time? Doubtful Even if I could, would the court recognize it and give me back my house? Probably not Do I know why this is happening? No Can I move forward? Yes Do I know what’s in store? No Is it possible that a greater degree of grace comfort and ease is ahead of me? I sure hope so

Depression is anger turned inward, unexpressed

how oh how am I going to bear this with grace and ease ?

Pray for strength And income

Help me help me help me Thank you thank you WOW

How to survive foreclosure ( no I’m not ok)

Learn to recognize - panic attacks, freezing, tremors, cold seat pacing - limbic hijack - remember to breathe - the rawness, sheer terror and facing into the cold abyss, try not to do that. Find a lily pad within yourself to rest on - remember to eat, this can be challenging - shecwho fights and runs away loves to fight another day - if you feel suicidal, remember what Bateman said ‘it’s only bricks and mortar, - feel grateful for what really matters, cultivate loving peaceful relationships and community which support you - this is pretty much impossible when I’m the midst of writing up papers and ceitking to call out all the malfeasance you are experiencing - This is a traumatic experience - grab the lifelines On aon A snowy no-school morning,with my daughter  cozy by the fire, soup simmering on the stove and peaceful happy at home vibes. The cat comes to drink at the water dish she shares with the dog and swishes her tail. This this this is my love love love This is my