Be wary of online forums and such, which seem to promise everything but rarely deliver more than confusion. Foolproof solutions but rarely deliver. Many of the ideas are simply not true, and it’s possible to waste a lot of time and resources finding that out. Occasionally, one hears whispers of this stuff working, but be very aware of your own vulnerabilities and capabilities before getting involved. And have a plan b and a plan c.. be case what will you do if it doesn’t work for you. If you do choose to interact with online resources, you may find amazing souls doing amazing things from their hearts, because they care. And you may create friendships that endure beyond foreclosureville. I hope mine do. One dear to me has this to say to me: “If you move yourself out of feeling the need to protect yourself, and looking at the forclosure as a bad thing, you may free yourself. I know this seems strange, but just like with relationships, if you try to own something by force, it end...